Date and Time TBA
Congratulations to our Home 2023 Run Derby Winners:
1st Place: Dorin Duncan 16 HR
2nd Place: Matt Dowdy 13 HR
3rd Place: Matt Diesel 10 HR
Limited to 20 participants
Entry fee - $50 $20 for 2 extra swings
Participant can bring their own pitcher or CUP will provide
Participant can use their own bat or CUP will provide (must be ASA certified)
Balls will be provided by the CUP
Fee can be paid by participant or through sponsors
Money raised can be applied to your neighborhood for the Fund Challenge

2023 Homerun Derby Champs

First Round
Each participant will get 10 outs
There will be a 5-pitch max between swings
An out is considered any swing that does not result in a home run
For every additional $20 raised the participant will get 2 extra swings
Top 4 advance to the Final round
Each participant will get 5 outs